Our main goal is to return nature to the sauna. We create space for sharing and inspiration. The best saunamasters use only natural essences and ingredients. Sauna Herbal Cup has been existing since 2013!

The unique international event is opened to the wide public, to all enthusiasts who are interested in sauna and nature. We have already spread SHC into 14 countries around the world.

We bring experiences! The program is rich and purely natural. You will experience and smell dried and live herbs, essences, incenses. You can also enjoy macerates and infusions, whisks, fragrant teas and spices. Hundreds of beautiful fragrances. Simply the power of plants and trees in many forms.

We combine saunas, nature and relaxation! All of these for your greatest possible experience, benefit and pleasure!

Enjoy competitions in peeling procedures and relaxing herbal sauna aufgusses. Unique place for meeting, exchanging experiences and mutual inspiration.

We follow the traditions. We are inspired by shamans of the past and present. We are looking for natural sources of energy. Join us!

Sauna Herbal Cup 2024

RESULT OF Sauna Herbal Cup 2024
The World Championship


Here you can familiarize yourself with the evaluation of the SHC 2024 competitions by expert judges. PDF

The World Championship will take place on

November 21-24.

again in Aquapalace Prague (Czech Republic).



Info:  SAUNA HERBAL CUP | Aquapalace Prague 

National qualifying rounds
of SHC 2024

The two winners from each qualifying round advance to the great international final – World championship. This year, there will be 28 greatest aufgussmasters.

3.7. – 4.7. Japan サウナセンター稲荷町
17.8. – 18.8. Germany Bahia https://www.bahia.de/
29.9. – 1.10. Czech Republic Wellness Hotel Atlantis https://www.hotel-atlantis.cz/

4.10. – 6.10.

Austria Alpentherme Gastein https://www.alpentherme.com/
4.10 – 5.10. Netherlands Thermen Soesterberg https://www.thermensoesterberg.nl/
12. – 13.10. Switzerland Sportanlagen Wallisellen https://www.sportanlagen-wallisellen.ch/
12. – 13.10. Denmark SlotssøBadet https://akturum.dk/slotssobadet/
19.10. – 20.10. Poland Park Wodny Trzy Fale https://www.trzyfale.slupsk.pl/
19.10. – 20.10. Belgium Waer Waters https://www.waerwaters.com/en
18.10. – 20.10. Norway The Well https://thewell.no/en/
25.10. – 27.10. Slovakia Bešeňová https://www.besenova.com/
1.11. – 3.11. Italy Aquagranda, Livigno https://www.aquagrandalivigno.com/
8.11. – 10.11. Hungary Sárfár Fürdő Gyógy- és Wellnessfürdő Sárvár (sarvarfurdo.hu)
9.11. – 10.11. Slovenia Grand hotel Primus – Terme Ptuj https://www.sava-hotels-resorts.com/sl/terme-ptuj/ponudba-in-dozivetja/wellness/svet-savn-flavia/
21.11. – 24.11. World cup Aquapalace Praha https://www.aquapalace.cz/
 Event (FB) 





Here you can familiarize yourself with the evaluation of the SHC 2024 competitions by expert judges. PDF


Sauna Herbal Cup 2023  

Sauna Herbal Cup 2023 brings already 8th year of festival of purely nature rituals in sauna, relax herbal rituals and peelings.  This year, you can visit qualifying rounds in 12 countries or the great final in Aquapalace Praha.

Demonstrations of art and skills of the best ones are the great attraction of this event. In the final, you can meet 24 great aufgussmasters across the whole Europe, the two winners from each involved country.The list of qualifying rounds, dated and places here.

The place for the great final is Aquapalace Praha, the biggest sauna world in the Czech Republic. The final will take place on November 23 – 26 , 2023.

The tickets are available on these links

3-4 days  

2 days
1 day

Competition days are Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Thursday and Friday, each day the top 12 competitors from the national qualifications. Saturday is the final comp. Many aufgusses in other saunas. On Sunday, accompanying programs (Japan, Norway, Italy…)

Accommodation with the tickets: Aquapalace Hotel   DE   EN


FB Saunaworld Aquapalace Praha:  Facebook

FB Sauna Herbal Cup:  Facebook   

Event on FB: zde

Follow us on social networks where you can find the latest information.
We are looking meeting you on all the herbal events!

We spread the network of Herbal centers in the world.


Sauna Herbal Cup 2023  

Sauna Herbal Cup přináší v roce 2023 již osmý ročník festivalu zdravého saunování, přírodních rituálů, relaxačních herbal ceremoniálů a originálních peelingů. Letos se můžete zúčastnit kvalifikačních kol v 12 zemích světa nebo velkého finále v Aquapalace Praha.  

Ukázky umění těch nejlepších jsou lákadlem festivalu. Ve finále se setkává 24 špičkových saunérů z celé Evropy, těch nejlepších z kvalifikačních kol.
Seznam kvalifikačních kol, termíny a místa najdete zde.

Velké finále letos hostí Aquapalace Praha, největší saunový svět v ČR. Finále zde proběhne 23. –  26.11.2023
Vstupenky najdete na adrese:

3-4 dny  

2 dny
1 den
Soutěžní dny jsou čtvrtek, pátek a sobota. Čtvrtek a pátek, každý den 12 nejlepších soutěžících z národních kvalifikací. V sobotu je finále (8 nejlepších). Mnoho dalšího programu v dalších saunách. V neděli doprovodné programy (Japonsko, Norsko, Itálie…)


Pobytové balíčky pak máme zde: Aquapalace Hotel   DE   EN


FB Saunového světa Aquapalace Praha:  Facebook

FB Sauna Herbal Cup:  Facebook   

Událost na FB: zde

Sledujte nás i na sociálních sítích, tam je vše nejčerstvější.
Moc se těšíme na všechna herbal setkání.

Rozšiřujeme síť Herbal center ve světě.

Competitors Sauna Herbal Cup 2023 – World Championship

Jury members Sauna Herbal Cup 2023 – World Championship

SHC 2023

National qualifying rounds of SHC 2023



The two winners from each qualifying round advance to the great international final – World championship. This year, there will be 24 greatest aufgussmasters.

28.9. – (30.9.) 1.10. Czech Republic Hotel Atlantis https://www.hotel-atlantis.cz/


Binkowski Resort https://basenytropikalne.pl/
30.9. – 1.10. Switzerland Tamina Therme https://www.taminatherme.ch/
14.10. Slovakia Bešeňová https://www.besenova.com/

13.10. – 15.10.

Austria Alpentherme Gastein https://www.alpentherme.com/
14.10. -15.10. Belgium Waerwaters Brussels. https://www.waerwaters.com/en
20.10. – 22.10. Norway The Well https://thewell.no/en/
27.10. – 29.10. Hungary Gyógyfürdő Győr https://rabaquelle.hu/
28.10.-29.10. Italy Monticello SPA https://www.monticellospa.it/
3.11 – 4.11. Netherlands Thermen Bad Nieuweschans https://www.thermenbadnieuweschans.nl/
4.11. – 5.11. Denmark Vestbad https://vestbad.dk/
11.11. – 12.11. Germany Bahia https://www.bahia.de/
23.11. – 26.11. World cup Aquapalace Praha https://www.aquapalace.cz/


Results of qualifying rounds 2023


PartneRS OF Sauna Herbal Cup 2024


Tváře Herbalu 2024



Contact with us:

Česká asociace saunérů
Daliborova 22a
102 00 Praha 15 – Hostivař
IČO: 0426950

Pavel Hofrichter
Telefon: +420 603 840 883
E-mail: info@sauneri.cz


Radka Hortová
Tel. +420 723 430 446
E-mail: hortova@rain.cz

Daliborova 22a
102 00 Praha 10
IČO 28921313

E-mail info@rain.cz

What is Sauna Herbal Cup

Herbal rituals

A special category of sauna rituals focused on relax and connection with the nature. We are returning nature to the sauna. Not only essential oils but also whisks, herbs, fumigants or infusions. All of these fill the sauna with a beautiful aroma. We create experience of nature, warmness and relaxation. Visitors can enjoy a wonderful atmosphere with pleasant music, dimmed light and gentle aromas. In terms of these rituals, you will not see any specific storyline but the nature becomes story and inspiration itself. Together we can look at different parts of the world, smell exotic plants or let ourselves be carried away to distant mountains.

After enjoying herbal ritual, you will be relaxed on one side and on the other side, you will get a new energy. You can also experience a kind of restart. Just as nature is diverse and rich, herbal ritual can be the same. You can experience sun and rain.

Competitors present their original concept of working with herbs or spices, infusions from aromatic plants or whisks. They also prepare their own mixture of the essential oils. The competitors´ rituals are something you will not forget for a long time! Competitors prepare their rituals carefully for a long time and select ingredients of the highest quality.

As part of the competition, the jury evaluates the competitors in different categories, e.g. the quality of the rituals, professionalism, hygiene, working with heat and special aromatherapy and the use of nature.

Enter the sauna and let yourself to be transferred into the kingdom of peace and nature. Experience a different dimension of sauna experience!

Peeling procedures

Visiting a steam bath can be both cleansing and nourishing, beneficial for the skin.

The main attraction of Sauna Herbal Cup for all your senses. Royal procedures in the unique concept of our competitors. Peelings and scrubs, body care, face masks, aromatherapy in the steam bath. Competitors perform caring and beautifying procedures using quality products, interesting combinations of herbs and other natural ingredients.

It is necessary to be able to do the mixture of the peeling in a proper way, involve your imagination and use your knowledge. But the presentation is also very important – the design, explanation of the procedure and the meaning of the procedure. Everything is evaluated.

Peelings are presented as real artworks, really amazing to watch. Highly attractive part of the competition that you will really enjoy. Are you already looking forward to the steam bath? Competitor leads the procedure, distributes his products and informs visitors about everything. Several components of the procedure are not an exception, e.g. a special face mask, hair care or an extra peeling for your hands or feet.

You can be sure that you will experience a non-traditional ritual in the steam bath!

Enter the next generation of steam bath! With royal care, beauty and fragrance!

Peeling procedure become as a part of the competition in 2013.

We are unique and innovative. We bring news and trends to the world of wellness.

Additional program

An additional program is a part of the natural sauna festivals, as well as of Sauna Herbal Cup. It brings a program in mobile saunas, mobile tents, traditional and non-traditional methods , latest news and trends. It is a full non-competition program.

You can try whisks, smoke rituals, music relaxation and workshops.

We will bring guests, saunamasters of various specializations from different corners of the world.

As a part of the accompanying program, you can also experience sauna theater or freestyle sauna aufgusses. We simply show all areas of sauna experience!

Simply natural sauna with everything you can imagine. Just for you!


History od Sauna Herbal Cup

Project introduction and history

In 2013, a competition focused on the use of natural products in the sauna was created in the Czech Republic. In addition to classic performances in the sauna, there is also a peeling cup, a competition of peeling and beauty procedures in the steam bath. The competition took place in the years 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022. The finals were always held in the Czech Republic (successively: Relax Centrum Kolštejn, Hrubá Voda, Wellness Hotel Frymburk, Aqualand Moravia, Aquapalace Praha). From the beginning, the competition has been international with participants from many countries.

Since 2018, the competition has also been held in foreign countries (national rounds).

We are returning nature to the sauna, creating a new concept of the saunamaster’s work.

Connection with nature, harmony and humility, imaginative use of traditional and new procedures and bringing scents and natural products into the sauna are important and central.